Hey welcome to our yet another blog post titled, “Is Gulmarg safe for Toursist to visit?”

Here in this short and to the point post I’ll try to answer that important question.

So is it safe to visit Gulmarg?

Watch what this family has to say!


The answer to the question is an absolute, “YES”. Infact Gulmarg is one of the safest places to be at in the valley of Kashmir. That has primarily to do with it being very isolated from the rest of the valley separated by thick pine and deodar forests.

No matter what the situation in the valley, you’re sure to find peace and serenity here. Once here you’ll be surprised to find that it’s a much different place overall from the rest of the valley.

Talking about safety, I advise you to really be wary of deliberate negativity that some unscrupulous people spread about Gulmarg or the valley of Kashmir in general so that you end up visiting them instead.

Gulmarg really is safe to travel to as well as being home to some major security establishments. So don’t worry.

If you have further questions or want to make a free booking. Whatsapp us at +919906667085.